
Preparing for Campus Life During a Pandemic

When: 7/9/2020 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
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An overwhelming majority of college campuses plan to re-open campus in the fall for in-person instruction and/or in-person and online instruction.  With the covid-19 pandemic still raging, should parents be worried about sending their children back to campus in the fall?  What will campus life look like for students with social distancing and other health safety rules?  Join us for a presentation and discussion by Jim Welch, an expert in biosafety and biosecurity. Jim, an affiliate with a health science institute* at Georgetown University, has 19 years of experience working with nations on biosafety and fostering global health security.  Jim will discuss the challenges colleges face opening campuses in the fall, and the risks students and parents need to assess as part of their planning to return to campus. How safe will it be to return to campus?  How can students best prepare to stay safe and still be on campus?  This webinar is co-hosted by NCAG, HECA and IECA.

*Elizabeth R. Griffin Program and Center of Global Health Science and Security